Home tech info trans cooler return line chart.
Fluid flow 4l60e transmission cooler lines diagram.
To provide fluid flow control in the transmission s.
4l80e fluid flow diagram sep 30 an example of how the pr valve controls converter lube oil can be seen in the graph figure 4 showing line pressure and cooler flow during a.
This type of transmission cooler line is found on your vehicle from the factory.
Facing this partial page is a hydraulic schematic to provide a better understanding of fluid flow in the.
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Trans cooler return line chart transmission.
For me to do the job.
Line furthest from torque converter.
If you are installing your transmission that was purchased from monster transmission our.
From what i understand the top cooling line that comes out of the radiator going to the transmission is the return line.
Does anyone know the direction of flow for the transmission cooler.
This is accomplished by using a fold out circuit schematic with a facing page two.
Trans cooler flow diagrams.
Automatic transmission cooler line flow.
We are dedicated to giving you the technical support you need when you need it.
Oct 07 2010 1 53am.
Transmission fluid cooler flushing and flow test j only gm goodwrench dexron vi automatic transmission fluid should be.
I know the fluid travels through the radiator and the auxillary cooler up front but need to know the line of travel from the transmission through the coolers and back.
Trans cooler flow diagrams.
Transmission wiring harness diagram t5 transmission cooler lines flow direction page 2 hummer forums 4l60e cooler line flow 4l60e transmission cooler line routing images e993 com 4l60e transmission line diagram wiring schematic.
Metal transmission cooler lines are typically pre bent with fittings that are held on by a flare at each end of the line.
Depending on where you live steel transmission lines may rust out over time causing leaks and will need to be replaced.