The blade reads the rafter tables.
Framing square rafter tables.
One type gives both the line length of any pitch of rafter per foot of run and the line length of any hip or valley rafter per foot of run.
Using the rafter table on a framing square at first glance the rafter table stamped into the side of a framing square can be a bit tricky to understand.
Similar in width to a conventional yardstick it is typically only 24 inches about 61 cm long.
Premium quality professional design the black framing square also known as rafter square or carpenter square is made of solid steel delivering optimal wear resistance and durability.
Framing square tables there are three tables on the framing square.
On the face side the tongue reads the eight square scale.
The framing square back is the side of the framing square that you will see if you look at the square while holding its longer arm the tongue horizontally with the shorter arm the tongue to your left and pointing down as cute little fala is demonstrating in the framing square back photo below.
This is a video lesson of the common rafter layout for ed105.
But it is not so difficult once you get the hang of it.
Holding the framing square with the front of the blade facing you and the tongue pointing down and on your right you ll see six lines of rafter tables.
Designed for the professional it possesses a ruggedly smooth build that s easy to handle and comfortable to hold.
Place the framing square on a table with the skinny length pointing right.
Other names for this steel square are carpenter square rafter square or framing square.
1 the rafter run and 2 the rafter rise.
You are looking at the face of the framing square.
The rafter dimensions are normally printed on a steel square that is made into a right angle or 90 degrees.
The unit length rafter table located on the face of the blade.
The framing square may have one or two types of rafter tables on the blade.
Common rafter length per foot of run this is the top line in the rafter length tables hip or valley rafter length per foot of run diff in length of jacks 16 inch centers.
The 2 7 use these two tables for roof rafters with the angles shown are to be used with the popular compound miter or cutoff saws.
More useful on the face of the framing square blade you ll find rafter framing tables.
The first thing to understand is that it is based on roof pitches expressed in amount of rise vertical over a 12 inch run horizontal.
The skinny length is called the tongue.
Using t he rafter square the use of the rafter square is based on two simple building measurements.
The tables included in this reference guide are based on these two simple measurements.