Fox labs incorporated was founded in 1992.
Fox labs pepper spray 5 3.
Wir haben die fox labs pfeffersprays der serie 5 3 ausgiebig getestet.
At an incredible 5 300 000 scoville heat units fox pepper spray breaks the record for creating the most effective pepper spray products ever.
Nicht nur die extrem scharfe fox labs 5 3 formula setzte neue maßstäbe auch das fox labs mean green pepper spray war ein novum.
Fox labs international hat pfefferspray durch viele innovationen zu dem gemacht was es heute ist.
For over 25 years fox labs has been the world leader in protection products like pepper spray and other tactical defense products.
So when you are paying less for these higher percentage products it isn t because you are getting a deal it is really because you are getting what you are paying for simply cheaper slower performing products that cannot outperform the fox labs brand.
Die scoville heat units shu dieses abwehrsprays betragen 5 3 millionen einheiten.
Das von fox im august 1998 vorgestellte five point three pfefferspray bietet eine extreme schärfe.
For over 25 years fox labs has been the world leader in protection products like pepper spray and other tactical defense products.
Ein pfefferspray welches einen aggressiven grünen farbstoff beinhaltet.
For over 25 years fox labs has been the world leader in protection products like pepper spray and other tactical defense products.
Fox labs pays up to ten times more for their pepper oc resins than these other companies yet our prices have always remained competitive.
Fox lab s intent was to create and sell the best less lethal self defense products available to the civilian market.
Die pfeffersprays von fox labs haben sich einen namen gemacht als besonders starke und sehr schnell wirkende sprays.
Sollte pfefferspray im rahmen der notwehr.
Ausführliche videos mit sprühstrahl nebel und pfeffer schaum.
Die sprays anderer hersteller haben in den meisten fällen eine geringere shu wertung gleichen dies allerdings durch einen höheren oc wert im spray aus.
We invite you to explore our complete collection and compare our products to our competitors we believe the choice is clear.
We invite you to explore our complete collection and compare our products to our competitors we believe the choice is clear.