The longest pieces the two jambs are only 71 long.
Forcible entry door prop.
The various doors allow any number of pushing prying cutting and bending opportunities that provide a host of options in teaching and.
Forcible entry equipment produces the best forcible entry props in the fire service.
Our irons have never gotten so much use.
Forcible entry doors comparison chart prices and features the challenger consumables cost usage chart per.
Hydra rams rabbit tools can also be used.
This door prop accommodates an actual metal door slab which is 1 3 the height of an average sized door.
The most common door height is 79 inches.
Opening out forcible entry on metal jambs can also be used like on commercial buildings or bulkhead doors.
The whole prop can fit into the back of a pickup truck or van without any problems.
Steel hinges jamb force plates base and header.
This door allows you to use the gapping method and conventional forcible entry methods on opening in metal jams like on apartment doors.
The time of day will indicate the need for forcible entry.
It s underlying purpose is to be used as a contingency tool for training specifically when saws fail and alternate strategies must be utilized quickly and effectively.
Eight forcible entry props allow demonstration and practical evolutions to include the standard door props hinge and security bar cutting thru the lock techniques door cuts garage door cuts and padlock cuts.
Closing the door as with fire size up forcible entry size up begins with pre fire plans building inspections and area orientation.
The do it yourself style door kit supplies you with the more difficult components of making a door prop.
Us 8 419 435 b2 and us 8 845 333 b2.
One nice feature of this forcible entry door prop is that it can be assembled in about five minutes and broken down in probably less time than that.
For a more in depth explanation of our crush door prop and the various techniques you can perform on the device watch the video.
Wood s door kit is made for firefighters that are hungry for training and willing to put in some work to make it happen.
Wood s forcible entry door prop kit.
Observing and noting the various types of occupancies and the methods used for securing them will give you the edge when an emergency arises.
That makes the height size of the 3 slabs cut from the full sized door approximately 26 3 8th inches in height by any door width ranging from 24 inches to 36 inches wide.
The hinge pulling cutting prop is designed to engage training in cutting and pulling hinges off of a commercial door.