Frankenberger bank raiffeisenbank eg is a cooperative bank owned by its members via shares.
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Products and services offered by frankenberger bank raiffeisenbank eg are available at its branches and via its online banking system mobile application call center.
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The evolution of the total assets of frankenberger bank raiffeisenbank eg is shown at chart 1 below.
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In 2019 total assets of frankenberger bank raiffeisenbank eg were 406 78 mln eur.
Mfi id is hence applicable to mfis resident in the european union.
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Mfi id monetary financial institution identifier is a code unique to each institution in the mfi list provided by ecb european central bank.
Credit ratings assigned to frankenberger bank raiffeisenbank eg as of june 2020 are shown in details in the following sections.
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Frankenberger bank raiffeisenbank eg provides retail banking products and services to its customers focusing on customer requirements and development of local economy paying special attention to small and medium sized enterprises smes.