This shrub is a low hassle option that will work great both in full sun and part shade.
Fragrant mist flower eupatorium havanense.
It is found on limestone hills and rocky ravines in the edwards plateau trans pecos and into mexico.
White mistflower works well both as a single specimen or planted in clusters.
Fragrant mist flower shrubby white mistflower white boneset thoroughwort havana snakeroot.
90 120 cm 4 6 ft.
Clusters of bold white flowers will appear in the fall.
Jan 25 2012 welcome to the famous dave s garden website.
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Leaf blades triangular to roughly ovate or narrower up to 3 inches long with 3 main veins.
Another great option for ground cover.
The fuzzy fragrant flowers are pollinator magnets.
45 60 cm 24 36 in.
Eupatorium havanense ageratina havanensis e.
The light green triangular shaped leaves are 1 to 3 inches long.
Tall with many much branched stems arising from the base.
19 members have or want this plant for trade.
Sun to partial shade.
Previous white lantana trailing next ponyfoot silver.
Eupatorium havanense fragrant mist flower is a showy fall bloomer.
Mistflower is a rounded shrub 2 6 ft.
2 6 feet tall and wide.
Native to mexico west and central texas as well this perennial requires only about 25 inches of rain annually.
Fragrance moon garden night accent deer resistant.
Plant shop fragrant mist flower.
This shrubby perennial native of the edwards plateau is a tough hombre that is moderately drought resistant and can develop into a somewhat woody shrub.
Margins wavy to coarsely toothed tip pointed and the base broadly tapered to almost perpendicular.
Join our friendly community that shares tips and ideas for gardens along with seeds and plants.
Ageratifolium asteraceae compsitae an open shrub with slender branches that can reach six feet tall fragrant mist flower explodes in the fall with masses of white fuzzy very fragrant flowers that act as a magnet to hummingbirds butterflies and a plethora of other insects.
One vendor has this plant for sale.
Can take part sun but it blooms more prolifically with full sun.
The fragrant white mistflower produces clusters of fragrant white nectar rich flowers in fall just as the monarch butterflies are migrating southward.
60 90 cm 36 48 in.
Full sun partial shade.
Shrubby white mistflower white boneset.
Stunning aesthetic in mass plantings.
The flowers attract a large variety of pollinators including bees hummingbirds butterflies and other garden beneficials.