We also received an edison 650w psu and the celsius s24 water cooler to include in our testing.
Fractal design meshify c mini.
Like black diamond facets the angular asymmetry of the meshify c mini dark tg carves a space uniquely its own as a new force in high airflow design.
Like black diamond facets the angular asymmetry of the meshify c carves a space uniquely its own as a new force in high airflow design.
March 4 2018 fractal design just released their new meshify c mini dark tg to the micro atx sector and we were able to get hands on with it prior to launch.
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Meshify c meshify strikes an aggressive pose in the fractal design lineup with unparalleled cooling performance and a defiant new look.
Meshify c mini dark tempered glass like black diamond facets the angular asymmetry of the meshify line has carved a space uniquely its own.
The meshify c mini is one of the newest products by fractal design its cooling performance is unmatched and it has a great stylish new look.
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Just like diamond facets the meshify c mini s angular asymmetry dark tg carves its own unique space as a new force in high airflow layout.
Meshify c mini dark tg product sheet en meshify strikes an aggressive pose in the fractal design lineup with unparalleled cooling performance and a defiant new look.