I was not affected by the sabre oc a direct blast to the face did nothing to impair me or prevent me from finishing my task.
Fox oc spray.
We invite you to explore our complete collection and compare our products to our competitors we believe the choice is clear.
I have used this on violent drunks violent males of various sizes and every time this spray has brought the subjects to their knees screaming in pain.
However a blast to my face from the fox oc made me fall to the ground.
Fox labs international s premium defense spray products are formulated to be the safest hottest and most effective you can buy.
Fox labs pepper spray home fox labs pepper spray the primary mission of fox labs international is to provide the law enforcement community with the finest products available to enable those who protect us and uphold our laws to be safer more efficient and more effective in carrying out their duties.
Fox labs gibt auf seinen pfeffersprays in bezug auf den wirkstoff jedoch sowohl den oc gehalt in prozent dieser sagt aus welche menge an reinem wirkstoff im gesamten reizstoff enthalten ist als auch den schärfegrad in scoville shu scoville heat unit an und sorgt damit für eine möglichst hohe transparenz.
All of our sprays are non flammable taser safe and available in a wide range of sizes with varying percentages of pepper oc combinations of pepper and tear gas cs and ultra violet dye plus the newest addition mean green h2oc the world s first green pepper spray.
Personal security products ack llc fox labs 1 5 ounce 2 oc 5 3 mm flip top stream pepper spray black 4 7 out of 5 stars 508 fox labs five point three squared 4 oc pepper spray flip top stream 3 oz 34ftsdb.