While after age 8 a child of any height can wear a car s safety belt in texas safety officials recommend parents wait until the child is taller than 4 9 before transitioning out of a booster seat.
Forward facing car seat age texas.
Properly installed forward facing in the back seat using the top tether if available.
According to texas state law children must be in a car seat until they reach 8 years old or 4 9 and the car seat must be installed according to manufacturer s instructions.
Forward facing car seat if child passengers are two years of age or different types of forward facing seats include all in one combination and convertible models.
Children from about age four up to 4 9 tall.
From 4 9 and taller.
Limits of the harness but never forward facing before their first birthday and 20 22 pounds.
Age height weight requirements set by safety seat manufacturer for forward facing.
When children outgrow the rear facing safety seat they should ride in a forward facing safety seat as long as possible up to the upper height or weight limit of the harnesses.
To improve car seat safety in texas the txdot recommends using a.
Forward facing restraint seats safe position for children 1 to 7 years old or over 20 pounds although many recommend leaving a child rear facing until they reach the maximum height or weight listed by the seat manufacturer for the rear facing position.
Children who can no longer be in a rear facing seat should use a forward facing seat until the size limits of that seat are exceeded.
Toddlers go forward facing in a five point harness until the upper limits of the harness usually 40 65 pounds.
It s important to also keep in mind that even after your child has outgrown their forward facing car seat they should still use a booster seat to ensure your car s seat belt system fits them.
The average child can move to a front facing seat at over 2 years of age and some child seats allow them to remain until they exceed as much as 65 pounds.
Check what the safety seat manufacturer recommends for your child seat.
Various types of rear facing restraints include baby infant convertible and all in one seats.
Children should remain rear facing until they exceed the height or weight limits of the seat.
Children younger than one year old should be in a rear facing seat.