While they re not exactly the second coming they are a great range indeed.
Formula p3 paint review.
Formula p3 often covers in a single coat even over a black undercoat.
All in all when compared to the paints we listed above the formula p3 range seems to be the most versatile.
Formula p3 is a high quality miniature paint carefully formulated to strike the perfect balance between smoothness and opacity that paintes around the world have long desired.
It never separates when thinned and retains brightness after thinning and drying.
The strong pigmentation excellent consistency even after being watered down a lot and high drying times combine to make a great range of paints.
Reviewed in the united states on december 5 2016.
Formula p3 paints.
Privateer press p3 reaper master series vallejo model color and game color ranges.
Unlike other paints formula p3 uses liquid pigments.
All of the colors are great and go on smoothly.
In this showcase video i compare and review acrylic paints for miniatures from four paint lines.
Made by privateer press it was advertised almost as sycophantically as the usual latest release from games workshop.
The formula p3 brand leads the industry in quality and performance providing miniature hobby enthusiasts with the best experience possible.
A huge variety of acrylic paints available in various hues.
I m torn on the p3 stuff because some of it is really amazing while the metallics which they discontinued we re horrific because they couldn t end up with a consistent product with the metallic colors.
For beginners they have clearly labeled tones designed for the basecoating and highlighting of their faction colors.
Privateer press formula p3 the new comer to the market is privateer press with their formula p3 line of paints and hobby tools.
Made specifically to complement models from their flagship games.
Formula p3 paint review summary formula p3 is to warmachine and hordes what citadel colour is to warhammer and i mean that more literally than what you may take that statement for at face value.
The formula p3 line also includes informative hobby dvd instruction featuring privateer press studio director ron kruzie who provides expert advice and direction on painting methods and techniques.