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Forever stranded minecraft clay.
I am using apex minecraft hosting and i can t get the world to.
I crashed my ship on a desert world with only lewis and sjin to keep me company.
But i think i ve hit a wall because the quest even hotter is bugged.
I ve done everything to the point where i need water and clay so water as well but it didn t rain once in the game to the point where i got bored and had to leave.
So any advice is appreciated.
Posted by 2 years ago.
Updated a few mods.
Discussion in tutorials tips and tricks started by crimsonsz may 21 2017.
Can we survive or will we be eaten by the horde.
You have managed to crash on a planet.
Welcome to forever stranded.
That cools you down if you stand in it.
I then made an iron bucket and grabbed the lava.
After about 5 attempts i finally got a good start on forever stranded day 14 and no deaths yet.
There is little around but sand.
Forever alone on a dry hot world can you survive and rebuild.
Verwendetes mod pack forever stranded.
Noob question about clay in forever stranded.
You ll know once your start cooling down and the floor becomes slippery like ice server stuff.
I built an unfired crucible fired it put it over a torch and made lava with four cobblestone in it.
This thread is archived.
Last ever update for the pack issue page will be taken down thanks to everyon that played the pack 600k downloads.
Welcome to forever stranded.
I m not new to minecraft but i am new to modded content.