Foreign supplier verification program compliance.
Foreign supplier verification program.
Identify fsvp importer the only entities to be named as fsvp importer are the us customer the us consignee or a us agent there must be a conversation with downstream supply chain contacts to determine who accepts the fsvp importer responsibilities.
When considering the implementation of any new fsma rule it s important to get a baseline understanding of what the government is requiring including what.
Just as intentional adulteration is a check on internal processes and vulnerabilities the foreign supplier verification program rule or fsvp is an external check on overseas suppliers.
384a g we are publishing a list on our website of importers subject to the foreign supplier verification.
Foreign supplier verification program final rule pdf 1 7mb federal register notice.
It is a program that importers covered by the rule must have in place to verify that their foreign suppliers are producing food in a manner that provides the same level of public health protection.
In accordance with section 805 g of the federal food drug and cosmetic act 21 u s c.
Food importers for their compliance with the foreign supplier verification program fsvp.
Like the supply chain program requirements in subpart g of 21 cfr part 117 for human food and subpart e of 21 cfr part 507 for animal food the fsvp rule provides that supplier verification.
The foreign supplier to perform the evaluation of risk so long as the importer reviews and assesses the relevant documentation.
As already noted above under fsma s foreign supplier verification program the importer must evaluate both the food risk and the supplier s performance.
The fsvp regulation has a staggered compliance date between may 30 2017 through july 27 2020 depending on the food type and the foreign supplier s size.
Supplier verification what supplier verification activities.
Here is what you need to meet law requirements if you are fsvp importer.
Fsvp shifts the burden of ensuring the safety of imported food directly onto importers and their foreign suppliers.