About the final rule.
Foreign supplier verification program certification.
Like the supply chain program requirements in subpart g of 21 cfr part 117 for human food and subpart e of 21 cfr part 507 for animal food the fsvp rule provides that supplier verification.
The fda food safety modernization act fsma final rule on foreign supplier verification programs fsvp for importers of food for humans and animals requires that importers perform certain risk.
The fda fsma rule on foreign supplier verification programs fsvp for importers of food for humans and animals is final and the first compliance dates begin may 30 2017.
Instructor led course is a one.
384a g we are publishing a list on our website of importers subject to the foreign supplier verification.
Training materials fspca foreign supplier verification programs.
In accordance with section 805 g of the federal food drug and cosmetic act 21 u s c.
Both parts must be completed in order to obtain the certificate of training.
Interactive exercise sessions provide immediate utilization of lecture materials as participants work through a model foreign supplier verification program.