Mega pet is like an end game thing for pets since this pet can give you the highest stats those stat pets can give to you.
Flyff pick up pet.
The pick up pet upgrade casts a spell on your regular pick up pet turning it into a buff pet with two open slots for beads.
Buff pets have 9 slots that can be unlocked with bead slot keys sold.
These pets will aid players by providing boosts to certain stats.
Some pickup pets are also buff pets.
One pick up pet or upgraded to buff pet and a so called stat pet.
In v9 flyff implemented a new pet system.
Mega pets can give you a total of 185 stats and perfect pets can give you a total of 75 stats.
Then activate the file pick up pet upgrade png pick up pet upgrade scroll.
Your buff pet may hold up to 9 beads for you at a time.
Pickup pets follow a player around picking up their master s loot for them.
It can t be much clearer than that.
You must have your pick up summoned when attempting to use this spell.
This item will not fail when used.
If you want to make your own perfect pet here is a guide made by slurpee on how you can make a perfect pet.
More slots can be unlocked using bead slot keys.
These pets are hatched from eggs found in game as monster drops once a player reaches level 20.
The pick up pet will follow you around and pick up any loot you drop when killing mobs.
They have a hp bar which will decrease when the pet is out so it must be fed with special pet feed to keep it alive.
Cs pets so werden sie ingame meist genannt sammeln alle drops welche ihr von den monstern erhaltet automatisch auf.
Der name cs pet rührt daher dass die pets anfänglich nur im cash shop zu erhalten waren in events fand man sie selten.
Pick up pet upgrade item type.
Pick up pets sind eure dritte hand in flyff.
This powerful magic spell tranforms your normal pick up pet into a special buff pet.
You pet now has 2 open slots in which you may insert buff beads.
There are two kinds of pets in eclipse flyff.
Pickup pets are premium pets that can be purchased from the mushmoot seller in flaris or from the premium shop.
It will give your pet 2 open slots to get more slots you will need to use keys.
These awakenings can be applied to any pick up pet.